Mayor Brandon Johnson's June 20th Press Conference
Our executive director, Giselle Rodriguez, accompanied Mayor Brandon Johnson and shared her experience about being part of a mixed-status family. She highlighted how the new executive order would positively impact her family.

IL Work Permits for All! June 19th Press Conference
Our Executive Director, Giselle Rodriguez joined community leaders and advocates to celebrate the President's recent announcement and pledge to continue advocating for a pathway and work permits for all.
“Today- I have renewed hope that there may now be a pathway for me- a path to a work permit and a path to adjust my status. Today, there is renewed hope in hundreds of thousands of families like mine and there is renewed hope for DREAMers who go to college without knowing what they can do with their degrees. We have so much more work to do to make sure these programs are successful and to make sure we continue to expand opportunities for more immigrants.”
To watch the press conference in full, click the link below:

1st Annual Lake County is Home Resource Fair
In commemoration of DACA’s 12th Anniversary, Illinois Workers in Action presents the ‘1st Annual Lake County is Home’ event:
Our hearts are filled with gratitude!
We want to express our appreciation to our community for coming together and participating in the First Annual Lake County is Home Resource Fair, which honored DACA's 12th anniversary.
During the event, our community engaged in meaningful discussions with DACA and undocumented individuals who shared their stories, community insights, and plans for further uniting and empowering our immigrant community. We also provided valuable resources, including information on immigrant rights, worker rights, and a special presentation on mixed-status families.
To conclude the event, we were treated to a vibrant performance by Ballet Folklorico Internacional Tayahua, celebrating our beautiful and diverse immigrant community.
A special thank you goes out to the Center for Immigrant Progress, Angel's Boxing Academy, North Suburban Legal Aid, Nueva Era USA, La Morena Claudia De la Peña, and Ballet Folklorico Internacional Tayahua. A special shout out to the Campaign Home is Here for sponsoring the event.
To our IWA team: Giselle, Michael, Gerardo, Andrew and Yaser, thank you!
We extend our gratitude to our panelists: Dulce, Karina, Miz, Giselle, and our exceptional MC/Facilitator Sandra.
We also thank our presenters Neisy and Gerardo, Taqueria el Primo for the delicious tacos, Luv U More Designs for the beautiful shirts and stickers, and our President, Michael, for ensuring the smooth running of the event.
Lastly, a heartfelt thank you to the IWA, CIP, and ABA teams for their contributions in making this event a success.

IL United for Work Permits June 9th Press Conference
Today, we marked a moment of celebration and emphasized the importance of urging President Biden to utilize his executive authority to grant work permits for all!
We commemorated the approval of H.J.R 69 - Work Permits for All Resolution by the Illinois General Assembly. This resolution conveys a powerful message to President Biden regarding the extension of work permits for long-term undocumented immigrant workers in Illinois. A big thank you to the numerous organizations, business leaders, elected officials, and passionate advocates who supported this resolution and contributed to the success of today's event.
Special appreciation goes out to House Deputy Majority Leader Lisa Hernandez and Senator Karina Villa for their exemplary leadership, as well as to all the legislators who voted in favor.